Renee Williams, a 29 year old mother of two daughters, was classified as super morbidly obese, reaching a shocking weight of 1,050 lbs. Being one of the heaviest women in the world, she decided to seek help. Renee had always been overweight, but a car accident left her bed-ridden, causing her to gain even more weight; so much weight, in fact, that she could not even get out of bed anymore. Renee finally decided that it was time to get help after she was told she had less then a year to live, and began seeking a hospital that would perform a gastric bypass upon her. This was no easy feat, since Renee was so large. Finally, Renaissance Hospital in Texas decided to perform the bypass on Renee. She began losing weight at an astounding rate after the surgery, but died of a heart attack a mere 12 days after the operation, leaving behind her two daughters. Renee's fight has become a beacon of hope for the obese everywhere.
Obesity is defined as a condition in which a person's body mass index (BMI) is greater than 30. Applying the BMI criterion, about 32% of adults in the United States are obese, as well as 17 percent of children. Obesity is associated with health problems such as Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and many more. Obese people tend to eat above-average amounts of high-calories, tasty foods, but below average amounts of less tasty foods. Furthermore, they are usually less active than lean people, which also contributes to obesity. It has been proven that some people have a pre-disposition to obesity, which can be passed down through families. Obesity is a serious problem in the United States, causing 30,000 deaths per year.
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